Tuesday, April 1, 2008

of senses lost

On her way home, Chloe's head was still swimming with all the thoughts and ideas that had crossed her mind that day in class. Not that color, needs a cleaner typeface, nice photograph, can you make the secondary element just a hair bigger? All the arguing and going back and forth between students and teachers had sent her mind racing like a high speed Cuisinart, and all these thoughts in her head were starting to really become quite a mush. She was starting to wonder whether she was quite crazy afterall.
Turning the corner with her usual downward gaze onto West 23rd Street, then noticing a stick moving slowly back and forth along sidewalk in front of her, coming towards her, she moved out of the way to let a blind woman pass. It was curious that what ailed her today was too much viewing, too many images. Curious that what ailed her today was, in fact, what she had taken for granted.

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