Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Clicking with her mouse on "Inbox (1)," Chloe discovered she had received an Email from her friend Tori. Nestled in among several paragraphs detailing the current state of affairs in Tori's life, in the paragraph recapping her conversation with her delinquent boyfriend, a particular phrase stood out: "your lacking common cents." Spelled just like that.
Now, Chloe loved her friend Tori dearly, but this slight misstep (not one, but two misspellings in the same phrase!) on Tori's part, unbeknownst to her, had large ramifications for Chloe.
You see, Chloe possesses a severe aversion to people who cannot spell, or rather, who don't spell. Was it laziness? Ignorance? Spite? A cruel joke? At any rate, Chloe is capable of becoming repulsed by even the slightest of absent apostrophes. First she cringes, then shudders, then re-reads the offense over again to be sure her dear friend didn't surely mean something else. But always, upon further examination, her fears are confirmed.
At this point, Chloe couldn't bear to read one more word of Tori's Email. It was tainted. Chloe signed out of her her Email account and didn't see her friend Tori for 4 1/2 weeks after that.

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