Friday, July 11, 2008


Jules: What is it?
Catherine: Sulfuric acid, for the eyes of men who tell lies.

Jules et Jim (1962)

She always fell hard for them. Like a schoolgirl with a crush, she always thought. But then they would always fall harder in return. And, sometimes after weeks, sometimes after years, Chloe would suddenly get rid of whatever unfortunate male specimen happened to be that she could finally spend a Friday night alone in her apartment drinking wine and her weekends riding her bike aimlessly around Brooklyn.

Forever attaching, unattaching, and reattaching herself, she was doomed to a vicious cycle. And Chloe knew that eventually, when the wrinkles appeared and when her hair began decorating itself with bright silver strands, she was further doomed to a life of nine cats and twenty-three houseplants. And these, eventually, she would not be able to get rid of so easily.

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