Wednesday, June 18, 2008

separate lives

They met by accident, or rather, by default; as such, they met under circumstances that allowed for the possibility that each had already gone separate ways (which was, in fact, the case). And so, after sunset, these separate lives entered that vague realm of time and space that exists between the relentless consecutive numbered units of human consciousness. There, they met one another, and amid rolling waves of grain stretching before them like an ocean of time, they danced freely together under the white glow of the crescent moon.

[for emily]

Monday, June 16, 2008

Scooter Lady

The first time Chloe saw Scooter Lady, she was heading West towards her on Broome Street, speeding down the sidewalk in spandex pants and cheap flipflops. Behind round sunglasses, the Scooter Lady, appearing to be in her early 50's, seemed to be in a hurry with a mission to accomplish, judging from her intent stare and refusal to move out of the way; even if it meant running Chloe down under her two little orange wheels.
The second time she saw Scooter Lady was the very next day. She sped past her once again on Houston Street with the same clothing, the same urgency, and the same sense of purpose. For a moment, Chloe envied Scooter Lady for perhaps having a life characterized by exciting, back-to-back secret meetings and parties to which she was always late and at which other Scooter people gathered to talk about their Scooter lives. It would be nice if she could find a group of people like that, except not people who liked Scooters, thought Chloe, like that bumble bee girl in that Blind Melon video.

Monday, June 2, 2008

wood and stream

She decided to go on the hike alone because, well, there wasn't anyone there to go with her. Aunt Aubrey and Uncle Harry had gone to fetch her sister and husband and nephew from the airport, which was a long drive away from Mount Desert Island where the house was. Seal Harbor, specifically, on Pierce's Point. They would not be back until dinnertime, Aunt Aubrey said. No matter, thought Chloe. It would do her well to go alone.
When she proposed this plan to her dear Aunt Aubrey, she was flabbergasted. She said it wasn't a good idea "because, well, it's just not done! A young girl hiking alone in those woods!" Perhaps it wasn't a good idea; staying at the house was much safer. But the thought of an entire second day being spent indoors did not sit well with Chloe, and she decided to go anyway.
After she heard the car speed down the long gravel driveway, she put on her backpack and, map in hand, stepped out onto the front porch. She had never been to these woods, and it would all be entirely new. And so, beneath the veil of morning fog, she took off on a journey to an uncertain destination.